Something About Your Candidate
Hello there, my name is David Watson and I welcome you to the circle of friends who believe that freedom of expression is essential in any well functioning society.
It is this function of free choice that allows the diverse tapestry of thought and culture to develop without bounds-- that is to say, without dictates from government its funded media and special interest groups.
We are against the “prescribed” thinking which our governments push. This is but one important issue for which we stand together and for which I am pleased to introduce myself here.
Everyone’s story is, as they say, a long and winding road, yet there was always a theme running through my life: Moving and Changing. Those two forces were the wings that flew me through snowstorms and whirlwinds as I've met with people too numerous to count.
My early memories... began in Vancouver, BC and its surrounding areas. As a child I did everything from paper routes to working at the Pacific Coliseum during hockey games and concerts and doing all kinds of labour from helping in restaurants to factory jobs where I met my wife, Sandra. It was at a Steveston fish cannery in Richmond where we met back in 1978.
As time moved along to the pulse of Pink Floyd’s Time and Dark Side of the Moon, that musical backdrop of the 70’s turned into the 80’s when I had become seriously entrenched in the financial services industry and worked my way up to a senior position with a major company as Branch Manager, eventually moving from Prince George, where I had moved with my family, to Regina, Saskatchewan-- a wonderful detour in a career that provided worlds of interesting sights and sounds which took the track of Pink Floyd’s Time, moving into to the 90’s sound of OMC’s Bizzare. As the beat played on and the lyrics chimed: Destination unknown, as we pull in for some gas, a freshly pasted poster reveals a smile from the past... The songs happy beat found me driving along and one day I wasn't in Regina anymore and we ended up in Redcliffe, Alberta.
This, was at a time when the Internet was really taking off, and the whole world was turning on its head-- Financial Services Industry included. It brought me to a turning point that truly was bizarre. Increasingly interested in Computer Networking and Administration, I entered that field as well as the 'Canadian Armed Forces Reserves'. The opportunity to help those younger than myself get a footing in team and leadership skills enhanced my well-being, since I could actively work in that realm but also spend more time with my own children at the same time. I became a Biathalon and Rifle Coach which brought yet again another interesting dimension to our world as a family and our team as a whole.
Along the way, there were subsequent moves, with us living in Bowden, Alberta for many years and appreciating the town and its good people as I worked as a Network Administrator for a power company. Eventually we landed in Bear Lake, BC, seeking more grassroots traditional skills and a lifestyle built on and working literally with dirt. Growing self styled traditional lifestyle, we’ve been bare-handing it, and learning what we never were able to in the big cities.
Being a Captain in the CAF and a Manager was great, but I truly love to build and grow things. Greenhouses, produce, and minds. With things of that nature, we are all truly free.
“Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy, and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”
Robert F. Kennedy
One of the penalties for refusing to get involved in politics, is that you end up being governed by those who don't care what you think.

Our Mission
Focus on Canadian Identity, Ending Official Multiculturalism and Preserving Canadian Values.
A Rational and Common Sense Approach that Respects the Rights and Freedoms of Canadians, Freedom from censorship and Discrimination, and Mutual Respect for All citizens
Our Vision
Allowing Self-Defence and Allowing Legitimate Firearms ownership. Fairness for all provinces with an End to Equalization.
Focus on the Security and Prosperity of Canadians. Getting Rid of All Inter-Provincial Trade Barriers. Protecting All Citizens from Medical Harm, Hate Related Harm and Procedures Not Required. Reducing immigration levels, Prioritizing skilled immigrants.
I BELIEVE, Our government needs to:
Balance the Budget right away.
Reduce all government administration costs by 10% per year with a final objective of a 50% reduction.
Remove or severely restrict the role of the Governor General and their associated spending.
Reduce government waste by completely removing programs which do not create and encourage Investment and Productivity Growth or Security for Canadians.
Drasticaly amend rules on government use of consultants and contracting out.
Create Elected official term limits of a maximum of 3 terms.
Immediately increase military spending to NATO recommended 2% level.
Reduce immigration levels far below the current immigration levels being used.
Create a skilled worker immigration entry within those levels for fast-tracking skilled workers in demand.
All immigrants and refugees will be required to learn one of the official languages at a conversational level and pass a sufficiency test before being granted citizenship.
Amend the "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" via referendum,for the following purposes.
To further define and entrench Canadians rights and freedoms from censorship and discrimination.
Allow victims of violent crime to 'defend themselves with equal and or suitable force'.
Create a 'Right', for citizens to own & use specified classes of firearms for hunting, sport, & personal protection.
Add specific definitions for when life begins and when life ends.
Limit "real property" (land) ownership; voting rights to citizens of Canada.
Create or amend laws to protect women and children in abusive relationships.
Increase penalties for illegal use and importation of all firearms.
Amend or create laws surrounding public nudity, and the definition of pornographic materials.
Increase inter-provincial fairness, by canceling equalization payments and remove all inter-provincial trade barriers.
Allow provinces to decide among themselves their specific relationships with other provinces.
Remove all marketing boards and other industry supports.
Make products and resources more affordable by removing waste, and unnecessary taxes and charges.
Remove all health care barriers, in and between provinces.
Provide provinces 'incentives to reduce heath care administration costs’.
Take advantage of inter-provincial movement of practitioners.
Review and amend M.A.I.D (medical assistance in dying) so that only terminally ill patients can use it.
Hold open public sessions to ascertain if a specific policy on abortion should be put in place.
Canadian identity & foreign policy to be based on & focused on "Security & Prosperity of Canada & Canadians First".
Allow for the preservation of and stand up for Traditional Canadian values, history and culture.
End official multiculturalism.
July 1, 2024
There Was A Time...
There was a time when we “welcomed” summer with open windows and fresh air, and wondered about the birds singing in the trees outside our bedroom window in the early morn.
There was a time when the ice man drove his truck up the street carrying the ice to put in your ice box to chill the milk that the milkman had left on your doorstep before the sun could rise.
There was a time when lineups were fun. You could listen to others and get the latest news floating ’round your town.
There was a time when just a dial up phone connected you to your cross-town friends and a long extension cord led you into privacy behind a closet door.
There was a time when your neighbour was your trusted friend who held the keys to your home when you were away.
There was a time when children said “yes, ma’am” and adults gave candy bars for good behavior and heard the sweet reply of “thank you.”
There was a time when “pot” was a large container where Grandma cooked your favorite soup and you anxiously awaited supper as though it was the king’s banquet.
There was a time when loading a dishwasher was not annoying because it didn’t exist.
A sink of hot sudsy water and another sink of hot rinsing water was all you needed to wash each meal’s dishes. A drying towel finished the task.
There was a time when you pushed the “clutch” and then the “gas” to move the car, and speeding was the maximum you drove according to the sign limit posted on the road.
There was a time when Dad told us, “Don’t take the keys out of the car,” not fearing a thief would drive it away, but fearing they would get lost in some unknown spot in your home.
There was a time when a walk to the library was worth all the gold in the world and the history books there reminded you of how far we had come with all our riches of life … family, friends, and love.
There was a time when the clothes on my back were sewn by the fluttering fingers of my mother.
The love upon the cloth those hands held and stitched so delicately was worth far more than any catolog could ever match.
There was a time when people greeted one another with a smile and a hello no matter if you knew each other or were just a passer-by.
The idea of a “smothering” mask was left to ancient history of long ago with untrusting, doubtful Venetians.
Oh, I yearn for just some of those yesteryears ...
Yes, today there are inventions, and opportunities that we didn’t have, but ...
To replace the love and warmth that penetrated the air with the “hostile, bustle, distracting” world we have today negates all the wonders that lie in between.
Someday, maybe, God will decide we’ve suffered enough, and ... then we will return.
Sandra Griffin