It's Time To Let The PPC Option Shine, In Ottawa And The House Of Commons
The PPC Focus is on Preserving Canadian Values and Promoting Fairness For All Provinces and Citizens.
Visit and follow me on X (formerly Twitter) - @davewats_watson
The "Telegraph Media Group" spotlights "Maxime Bernier" Leader of the People's Party of Canada - 01 November 2024
Maxime Bernier Interview Part 1
Maxime Bernier Interview Part 2
NEWS UPDATE - January 5, 2025
Hello, Happy New Year to everyone. I’ve just started putting together the next Newsletter and it should go out in the 3rd week of January. I hope you enjoy it, if you don’t receive it and you are a PPC Member or have signed up for it please have a look in your spam folder, and add us ( to your safe sender list.
It now seems via the rumour mill in Ottawa that Justin Trudeau may either resign within the next few days or Prorogue Parliament. Apparently there is a never before used clause within the Liberal party constitution that allows the unelected officials of the party to select the replacement from among the Liberal caucus (MP’s). So if he resigns we may have a new PM (before the end of the week) that we have to accept for the remainder of the term. If Trudeau prorogues Parliament nothing may happen as far as the Government goes until he makes his next decision, or the Canadian Government (If you can call it that) is due to go back in session on January 27th. At which time Trudeau may prorogue Parliament just before they go back to avert a non-confidence vote that is planned for Jan 30th.
If a prorogue is called it may be for a while. Possibly late August or early September before we have an election called. We’ll have to play it by ear for the next week or so.
Just when you think it can’t get any crazier around the world, IT does. Now it seems the British Government may be about to fall, Keir Starmer the British PM, it seems has lost 20 of his Ministers since around the middle of December. It also seems the French government is hanging on by a string because French President Macron refuses to call an election, sound like anyone you know? Also the German Government has effectively fallen and a new election their has just been called for February. The Left leaning socialist governments all overthe world are in trouble. It’s too bad we couldn’t accelerate it somewhat.

I'm sure everyone really wants to make this the year the People's Party of Canada gets into the House of Commons.
The Most Important Thing We can All Do Is Talk To As Many People As Possible. You Can Let Them Know That To Fix Canada We Need To have Everyone Who Is Eligible To Vote In The Next Election, To Do So.
No Matter Where They May Live In Canada, Please Contact All Your Family, Relatives, Friends even Acquaitances.
It Is Imperative That Canada Increases The Voter Turnout Substantially.
While You’re At it, Ask Them How They Feel About The Things That Have And Are Going On, Especially Those Things On The PPC Platform Which YOU LIKE And VALUE.
Try To Find Out What They Think About Those Things. That's All, Don't Try And Convince Them About The PPC.
You may have heard the warnings by Health Canada and rumours from many other places about the bird flu.
I have to tell everyone the bird flu has been circulating for years since at least since 2005 possibly a lot earlier and we just didn’t recognize it.
Try to stay healthy, take care of yourself and even though I’m not a doctor and can't give medical advice I think we’ll all be OK, don’t get too wound up about it. Please Do NOT Take Any Injections for this Plandemic.
They have been trying to scare the public since before the last Plandemic. Don’t Let It Happen Again.
The Socialist-Liberals as well as the NDP and Greens are now trying to blame the CPC from the Previous government (Harper's) for everything that has went wrong. WHAT A CROCK of you know what. While I am positive they started some of the BS happening today This so called government has been in charge for over 9 years. Almost everything happening now is their fault, and we all know it.
The Bloc Quebecois (BQ) have ramped up their separatist rhetoric. They are now saying if they become the Official Opposition in Ottawa they will work hard for Quebec and those things that ave a positive effect on that province, while things that do not affect Quebec at all or very little they will take a wait and see attitude. The BQ cannot be allowed to become the Official Opposition, add this to the list of things you talk to people about.
All the bickering between the parties in Ottawa should be left to them. Let them fight it out, however they want to. Let Us, and those we know work hard on the down-low, we are the shadow baned party so lets be that let them have the attention for now we'll be the ones that amaze everyone in the next election, whenever it is.
People Remember Those Things That Affects Them And Those They Care About. They Forget Or Ignore All The Rest!
As a riding and a party we need to do some things:
1) Speak to as many people as you can, every chance you get, try for 10 each week.
2) Don’t try and tell anybody they Have to vote PPC.
3) Talk about the PPC Platform policies if you know them otherwise;
4) Keep asking questions on what they think & compare that to what you know.
5) If you can volunteer for the riding, get in touch with me as soon as possible.
6) Any donations will be very much appreciated, and used for our Election.
We (You and I) as far as I am concerned should focus as much as we can on this riding (PG-PR-NR) up to and including the election campaign and the actual election day. On elcection day please try and help everyone who may need help to get to the polling station to vote.
Except for talking to people we know in other ridings as mentioned in the list above. The other ridings will focus on themselves.
At this point we are as far as the media and other parties are concerned the long shot in the race. Let's try and keep it that way as long as possible. That Is why I have been doing all the door knocking and phone calling instead of having a lot of rally's. We will have some rally's but they are very visible and I want to remain invisble for as long as possible.
This has not and for the moment is not a sprint race, it's a marathon. Yes we are the long shot right now but as soon as we are on the radar that will change quickly. YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ... LONG SHOTS ARE OFTEN THE WINNER. They surprise others and do come in.

The feeling I am getting so far in the un-declared race is the CPC are getting worried. You can see it on the faces of Poilievre and those he allows to speak in public, Yes Allows. He has a tight lid on them all. So much has been happening, but nothing really has been happening. CPC numbers have been going up and the rest seem somewhat static or going down. Everything has to break some time soon and the CPC don’t want to be at their high point when it happens unless they are near election day, because when it does there's only one way to go. You Got It Down, and it will affect their numbers. Also the longer they ride high the worse the fall is. Nothing stays up for ever. It’s just the way things work.
The Mass Media and the other parties hardly even mention the PPC (it’s called shadow banning) because don’t want to draw any attention to us. That works in our favour because when we talk to all those we know and don’t push, those people they start to look and think more and more for themselves, about us on their own.
The liberals are pretty much Burnt Toast, their time to trhow them out to the birds to pull apart. I really think they will have a dismal showing. The CPC seems set on getting a majority due to the backlash from the Liberals and will very likely form the next Government with a majority. The NDP already suffers from a great deal of issues and their numbers are going down steadily.
LET’S make 2025 the year the PPC Gets in the house in this riding and many others. As a Party we are shooting for a decent yet strong amount of representation in the House Of Commons. It is actually mathmatically possible for us to become the Official Opposition, but only if we get the vote out. It is unlikely we will win the election and form the next government, BUT WE CAN HAVE a strong showing and set the stage for the next election.
Vote Sincerely for your Values, VOTE PPC! Tell Everyone That.

Thank You for visiting!
My name is David Watson
I am YOUR People's Party of Canada of Canada Candidate in the next federal election, for this Riding of (PGPRNR)
Prince George-Peace River-Northern Rockies
Our riding is located roughly between the boundaries of Prince George BC in the West, the Alberta border in the East, Valemount in the South, and the Yukon Border in the North.
The next federal election currently has to be scheduled to take place before mid October 2025.
Some of you may have already met me, I have personally spoken with many of you. I have actually met quite a number of you as well. I'd like you to think of this website as our meeting place. A place where I can share some of the thoughts and Ideas that drive me forward in this quest to be your Federal Representative in Ottawa.
If anyone would have told me 5 or 10 years ago that things were going to be in the sad state they are, or that I would be running for a political office I don't think I would have believed it, but here we are, and here I am. I am honoured to be your Candidate and even more honoured if you would consider me as your voice in our our government, by voting for me.
If you haven't been getting the email newsletters from the riding or PPC National please sign up for them.I try to have something new out each month. I hope you approve of the site.
The Entire Goverment In Ottawa Is The Worst Government Of This Country I Have Ever Seen In My Life!

Canadians Need to be Listened To and Heard. Elected Politicians and Non-elected Officials have Barely Listened to the People for Years.
The Government as well as all the political powers of this country and in fact many others have been perverted!
The law has been perverted, It has not only been turned from its proper purpose but has been made to follow an entirely contrary purpose!
The law has become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself has been made guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!
If as I believe, this is in fact true, we are in a very serious state of affairs, and moral duty requires me to call the attention of all my fellow-citizens to it.
We hold our lives as a gift from GOD. This gift of life includes individuality, liberty and property for those who are able to attain it through hard work and force of will. ‘The Law’ was created along with lawfulness for the same reason. To guide and help our unsuppressable instincts that are instilled within each of us from the moment of conception until the time we pass from this world. Our instincts are meant to impel humanity to satisfy their desires with the least possible pain to all.
I've had more than enough of the all of the SELF-INTERESTED Members of Parliament Who are only interested in Party Politics and Pandering for VOTES.
We've all seen that everyone is taking issue with the Liberals, NDP and the BQ (Bloc Québécois), But let's turn up the heat some more. Everyone should make sure their feelings are known, that we're sick and tired of the way the country has been ruined. When the time comes to vote: Everyone needs to VOTE.
DON'T JUST VOTE FOR A POLITICAL PARTY ... to knock the Liberal/NDP/BQ Socialists out. I want that also but VOTE WITH YOUR CONSCIENCE for YOUR VALUES and the person you feel will do the best job with you in mind.
I believe that is myself and the PPC (People's Party of Canada) in this riding.
Canadians have had enough of the current PM and his Liberal/NDP Coalition. After 9 long years of woke virtue signaling, endless embarrassing scandals, ruinous economic policies, multiple ethics violations, Canadians want change.
Immigration or Emmigration
Canada is experiencing record high population growth. Also according to Statistics Canada there is a mass exodus of its citizens, with emigration or reverse immigration happening at higher levels then at anytime in the past.
Government Spending
Government spending deficits are at the highest levels in our history. One of the few certainties in this world is that government spending, left unchecked, will continue to grow.
Canadian Identity
The current Liberal PM once claimed Canada was a post-national country, and later that Canada was a genocidal nation. Canada and Canadian identity have been under constant attack by the marxist/socialist left even our own Liberal/NDP coalition. Many of its harshest critics have taken over key institutions including academia and the media. Many other Countries no longer take Canada seriously.
According to the Canadian Taxpayers Association the Canadian government payroll has grown by a whopping 32% or approximately 132,000 people since the PM came to power in 2015. With each new government program more people are added as government employees and the bill to taxpayers increases.
A new study by the Fraser Institute think tank finds that Canada’s debt is much worse than the government admits to.
The study found that the statistics the government uses to claim it has the lowest net debt-to-GDP ratio in the G7 are flawed because they count assets that cannot be used to pay off the debt in Canada.
According to a news release “The study finds that Canada’s relative debt position, instead of being the best of the G7, falls significantly when total debt is measured instead of measuring debt after adjusting for financial assets, net debt, which is the measure used by the federal government, offsets a part of the country’s total debt by including financial assets.”
By using total debt, Canada falls to 26th place out of 32 countries and third lowest in the G7.
“Gross debt is a fair and more accurate measurement to compare Canada’s debt, relative to peer countries because it’s an apples-to-apples comparison,” Jake Fuss, the director of Fiscal Studies at the Fraser Institute and co-author of the report. “Using other measures such as net debt offers an apples-to-oranges comparison because of how public pension assets are treated in Canada from an accounting standpoint.”
Net debt, which Canada uses in reports such as the 2024 federal budget to celebrate its economic success, count CPP and QPP Pension assets.