In 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés arrived in the New World with a mission to conquer the Aztec Empire.

He arrived with a small army of 600 men, but he faced a significant challenge. His men were afraid and they were not sure that they could succeed in their mission. To inspire his men Cortés did something radical – he burned his ships. By doing so he eliminated any possibility of retreat and forced his men to fight for victory or death.

This act of burning the ships became a symbol of determination and commitment.

Fast forward to today and we face similar challenges. We are in a battle for the truth, freedom and life. We are facing a media landscape dominated by a small group of powerful corporations. Traditional media around the world is owned by a select few. They control what we see, what we hear, and to some extent even what we think, especially for some. They have an agenda that is not compatible with the average person in Canada or most countries for that matter.

As Canadians we face enormous issues which in my opinion affect the future of not only our country but of humankind on this planet. We are bombarded daily by false flags and gas lighting from all levels of government throughout the country; these influences are coming at us from virtually all governmental systems and all levels of government including our bureaucrats (Deep State) and politicians.

The problems we face today seem to be escalating towards a boiling point with the increasing divisiveness that has been instilled over the last 9 years.

People today have access to a vast array of information which has allowed them to connect with others who share their interests and beliefs. This has made populations around the world more decentralized even though more people live in cities.

Those in power have realized this and are using it to increase divisiveness and rhetoric using the missives of misinformation and disinformation. This has drastically increased the distrust that Canadians and others feel towards their governments.

I believe we must metaphorically burn the ships of many systems we have grown comfortable with. We must abandon many of the old ways of doing things and look towards ways that are more fitting for the problems and issues we face today.

We must turn off traditional media for good. We must stop supporting the oligopolies that control it. We must get back to more traditional family and faith based values. We must give the citizens of this country more control over what the government is doing and how decisions are made.

Burning the ships of programs, some of which have been in place for decades will not be an easy task. But I have the courage, determination, and willingness to challenge the status quo wherever it does not serve the interests of the people.

We must embrace change not for the sake of change itself or to gain control, but because with out it we may as well be on those ships while they are burning.

The future is in our hands, we must be the ones to start that future, for ourselves and for the generations to come.

David S Watson