Freedom in Canada is under attack as never before. I ‘thought’ it was bad when the Emergencies Act was declared. It is far worse now. WHY, HOW? Please keep reading.

The Socialist Liberals along with the Communist NDP and the Separatist BQ are now siding together to continue their destruction of Canada. All of them are being propped up by the corrupt Legacy Mass Media. All together they harbour enormous ‘DISDAIN’ toward anyone who refuses to think like them.

Many already know that most if not all of what the government has done for a significant period of time has been directed toward controlling away the freedoms of people and handing everything over to others like the NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) as well as the 'Rich Parasitic Elites'. This is a coup from the inside at the highest levels.
They have done so by plotting their moves under the guise of many things. The 3 items below are just the tip of the iceberg:

1) Climate ChangeThis is put to us as, there is too much Carbon in the atmosphere. Anyone who cares to do some research can & will quickly find that the actual Carbon in our atmosphere is less today than in the 1850’s and has been declining since before then.

You can start by searching for this "Why did the BC Government repeal the Weather Modification Act" and you will multiple links on the first page about Weather Modification in BC and Canada. You can also search for topics like ‘Weather Management, Weather Control, Geo-engineering, Cloud-seeding’ and many others.

You will find that this type of tech was invented in the late 1920’s and became a part of some countries internal programs in the 1940’s and has really ramped up in the last 10 years. Most of the world including Canada has and is being subjected to weather wars. There is significant proof of this, including admissions by various governments, government agencies and officials.

2) CRT & DEI - Critical Race Theory & Diversity, Equity, Inclusion - have been taught in our public education schools since the 20-teens and educational institutions began to introduce the curricula to address what they saw as disparities among races in economics and justice. Its supporters espouse ‘racial equity’ as the answer to 'equality' under the guise of reverse discrimination.

CRT & DEI are nothing more than social movements advanced by those entrenched in socialist ideals, with aims of controlling and directing current and future discourse. These societal approaches create challenges like divisiveness, and reduce discourse among all affected.

Opposition was adopted due to the pressure being exerted to offer preferential treatment to many simply based on the colour of their skin, or where they were raised / sexual orientation, as opposed to abilities, merit and aptitude.

These movements create damaging and toxic rhetoric surrounding individual proficiency in areas of education, employment, justice and health care!

3) LGBT – Essentially all discourse surrounding LGBT comes down to choice. Who and maybe even when individuals get to choose how they can live their lives? This is a topic which has created an immense amount of talking points, on all sides. Mainly because some say that ‘EVERYONE’ has that ability. Which is true to to a certain point!

LGBT support has grown in Canada significantly over the last nine years due to the support and permissiveness of multiple levels of Government, which have been supportive due to their ability to control 'who and what' is being talked about. They have shown no initiative at addressing the root cause(s) of the increase in popularity. Pharma and Medical supply companies have a huge stake, due to the immense dollars which change hands for the life of the individuals involved. It all comes down to control, money and power over the narative.

To really start a open conversation on this topic, we must look at the information available as well as the sources of that information and its dissemination. We must then look at who is actually able to make choices and who is unable to do so.

As individuals and nations we must decide when one or more people make choices such as these whether it is truly their choice, or something they have been convinced to do through indoctrination. Especially since many of these individuals end up with problems which are physical, mental or financial in nature, all of which can exert huge costs on individuals and society.

As a society we have already made determinations, whether for right or wrong which specify when certain things can be done, such as a drivers license being given, legal drinking or smoking can take place, even voting and joining the military. None of which are extremely likely to create issues for a lifetime, yet children as young as 4 or 5 are being taught that sex changes... are perfectly fine.

All of the above are important topics, at least to some people. Yet many are not willing to investigate them at all.

These topics are just some of the things a proper functioning, responsive government is meant to provide complete disclosure, information and guidance on. Without that information for all topics our ability to trust and interact with the government is extremely hampered.

As we move into the future, without a change of government the situation(s) are likely to get much worse. We have already seen foreign interference at many levels and times, internal government scandals, rampant government waste, huge spending sprees as well as a variety of government officials (both elected and UN-elected) involved in creating legislation for NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) which will affect all of our lives for a very long time.

'Freedom Loving, Hard Working Canadians' need to stand up for their rights or soon those rights will be gone.

Our governments, those within and from the outside all put on a show, acting as if they are doing things for us. BUT THEY ARE LYING.

When people point these things out they are called "Conspiracy Theorists", It’s funny how so many of the so-called conspiracies have actually turned out to be facts. Find out for yourself.

Those trying to gain control often try to dissuade people from getting information themselves by labelling things with many of the same words from many sources. A coordinated approach like these often tell a great deal about what is going on! The same information from many disparate groups is a definite flag raiser.

The disdain certain individuals have for the abilities of others actually shows on their faces, in their tone of voice as well as the words they use. It’s especially obvious when they refuse to answer simple questions, using double speak to never answer at all.

A recent scandal involves Steven Guilbeault Canada's current Minister of the Environment who is intricately linked with the Liberals Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC green slush) fund. Guilbeault worked for a company involved for 10 years and has been a shareholder of that company for a long time. According to government documents this company received over 200 million dollars from the green slush fund.

The citizens of Canada are entitled to, to information on everything the Government does (except possibly for a rare scenario).

I know, from history that many government officials in many countries use insider information, connections and their knowledge of changing laws and policies to get rich and to provide benefits for family, friends and associates. Many of those who do this are intricately involved with other nations and the alphabet NGO’s of which I include META (Facebook), Alphabet (Google) and likely many of the large corporations.


Canadians want to be treated with equality, dignity and a modicum of respect. That all starts with LAWS that apply equally to everyone. ‘The Law’ is profoundly espoused, add-nauseam by many in the Government, but this is done for lip-service only.

It’s time for us to start using our words and our minds. Far to many of us have been ignoring things for far too long. Start by deciding to speak your mind, say the words that describe what is going on for you. Do not shut yourself up, stop letting Government fear tactics get to you. ‘Think about that’. By speaking your thoughts you will start to gain your freedom, and it will be surprising how many feel as you do.

If everyone does this, the Governments legislation initiatives which currently call for fines and even jail time for thought crimes will be impossible to enforce, “WHICH THE CANADIAN GOVERNMENT IS PROPOSING” with their Bill C-63.

Notions like incitement and hate are subjective concepts which are made real only in the eye and mind of the beholder, and everyone has a slightly different idea about them!

If these kind of concepts become weaponized. Who exactly will define them? Who will define hateful? Who will define Incitement? Such decisions should never be left to the sole discretion of elected officials egos or their subordinate flunkies. Nor can we allow non-elected officials or foreign individuals have any say whatsoever as to what is right and proper in our country.

NO-ONE should be subjected to jail or fines for posting honest questions, answering others questions or legal protesting. Our FREEDOM itself is what’s at stake now. Let us not forget that history is full of lives that were sacrificed in order to pursue and honour freedom!


Any government, perhaps every government would, if given half a chance, use their power to create legislation, to write themselves into a position from which it cannot be removed. That's what OUR GOVERNMENT, CANADA’S GOVERNMENT HAS AND IS TRYING TO DO!

Just think about the many scandals, improprieties, interference, backroom deals we have seen and heard about just from the current Government in Canada. The many things they have refused to tell us. Now think about what may still be "HIDDEN”.

Any government might, unless tackled or hobbled, seek to silence all dissent and disagreement with it. Look at and think about what has and is taking place in Brazil, Venezuela, China, Ukraine, Russia and other countries.

We have a government in this country, much like governments everywhere, they want to silence opposition, that can mean throwing those in jail who point out this country is being driven to hell by their totalitarian tactics. Hate speech laws have been and are being pushed through Parliament, they won't stop unless we stop them.



If you have read this far and are still skeptical just begin looking at and paying attention to things in the press. I don’t mean just the independent sites (around the world), you can even look at the bought and paid for mass media in Canada and other countries which have been around for many years, they let’s things slip all the time.

David S. Watson