How Pierre Poilievre Plays On The Unsuspicious Citizen
With Wit & Finesse. But Can He Magically Fix Everything?
I remember saying, “Poilievre missed his true calling. He should have been a comedian.” Often times he’s funny and this one sure brings it home. (Hey, the lingo’s stuck in my head.) When Poilievre asked what Trudeau’s government is doing to fix the housing crisis and will it fulfill its promise, one of Trudeau’s answers, actually having “something” at least to provide that’s real (kinduv-ya-know), if it’s paper or just in the digital Neverland):
Trudeau says, while reading from his list, (this, that and the other thing and then...
“We’re launching a housing design catalogue.”
Poilievre stands up with a big cheshire grin. He throws his arms high in celebration like at a big NHL hockey game and the puck just shot in the net. Better still, after Tiger Williams shot one in the net for the Vancouver Canucks and took it to overtime-- back in the day, whoah! Did it even happen? Anyways... Score! Poilievre, on the right, no left, no-- playing centre or whatever it is these days-- glory be!
Poilievre is definitely on stage. It might as well be Canadian Idol or something. With the enthusiasm that cometh down from some great muse on high--
“He’s announcing a catalogue, everybody! Yay! Right on! Give him a ‘round of applause everybody!”
Poilievre literally shouts it to the rooftop of The House of Commons! (At this point, though not on camera, I wouldn’t be surprised if some “other” party members weren’t laughing, too. Or, choking it back.) The entire conservative team behind Poilievre were trying to contain their laughing, while clapping away like it’s not just any hockey game, it’s the Stanley Cup maybe no jerseys & hockey souvenirs, no popcorn or soda, but this is Politics!
Then, he really does, it. Get ready for the punchline:
“You can’t afford a home. You might end up in a tent. But hey, YOU’VE GOT A BRAND NEW CATALOGUE!”
So there’s the theatre, folks. But we can’t put on “the show” and forget about Canada’s real and serious problems.
In 2021 Maxime Bernier was arrested and charged in Niagara Falls, Ontario, where concerned citizens gathered in unity when their rights had been trampled on by the Trudeau government. The charges were dismissed on May 14, 2024.
While Maxime was on the front lines getting handcuffed, Pierre Poilievre had primed his campaign towards being the next Prime Minister of Canada by riding the coattails of The Great & Wonderful Born To Be Free-Freedom Convoy Protests. In one photo his smile is endearing as he stands with citizens below a sign reading, STOCKED SHELVES, THANK A TRUCKER, EMPTY SHELVES, THANK TRUDEAU.
It’s inspiring, really. Isn’t it? In Dark times? Whereas, same year, Trudeau is busy with a mournful look holding a Teddy Bear, and kneeling at an unmarked grave. It’s hard to un-see what you’ve seen once you’ve seen it. Scroll the document below for images. There’s more than meets the eye in significance.
The narcissist posing as grieving an “unknown”, making the show, once again, all about himself. Meanwhile, in the freakish era of Drag Queens and childhood mutilations, both physically and spiritually, Poilievre kneels beneath the sign denouncing Trudeau with what are clearly “real” men as you see below, but only time will tell how he handle’s the pressure from corporate business entities, hidden power structures, the gears of institutions that we all know too well after what has gone-down are too big for “we, the people”, “the small business” “the little guy” “the family”, or even a church of any denomination.
Remember, during the lead-up to where Poilievre was truly becoming known in the greater public view, the Canadian experience had become fraught with division, fear, hopelessness, tyrannical style oppression, excessive crime due to catch and release, government sponsored hard drug sites, homelessness and tent cities, an emphasis on providing death services rather than health services and of course, to wrap it up with a bow: the forced injection of the novel mRNA drug that continued to be rolled out booster upon booster even when other countries were already changing their tune and wising up to the “wise guys” behind the great charade of “safe & effective”.
Deceptive News practises inspiring hatred fuelled actual fires where 112 Christian churches burned down or had been vandalized. This, was the update as of September 30, 2024. All, because of the controversy of unmarked graves, even though it’s not clear if some were ever found, or if they were, it was not uncommon in days gone by. The whole thing was blown up in the mainstream provoking hatred upon people living today who didn’t exist back then. In any case, Trudeau did take a lovely picture with a Teddy Bear. He’s good at that, at least. And we’ll remember him. But what a sad way to be remembered.
The important things to keep in mind from all of what happened preceding Poilievre with his Clark Kent/Superman persona as “the only way we’re gonna get rid of Trudeau” idea or saviour, (if one thinks that way) are the things that have happened before Poilievre, before Trudeau, before Harper, before Paul Martin, Jean Chretien, before any of the be-fores and this is critical to our future: We must move beyond what has been “ordinary” for Canada. The Canada we knew isn’t anymore.
Johanne Wolfgang von Goeth writes:
However ordinary life may look, however readily it appears to put up with what is common everyday, it yet goes on secretly nursing higher demands and looks round for ways of satisfying them.
We must ask ourselves: What are our higher demands? Are we satisfied with just advertising, like: Axe The Tax, Build The Homes, Fix The Budget, Stop the Crime & Bring it Home.
Yes, of course, it all sounds very wonderful. But how?
Pay attention:
*Canada’s downfall was Poilievre’s opportunity to “seize the day” as they say.
*Poilievre can’t save you or anyone from what has been inflicted.
*He can provide hope through the possibility for change, but is it false hope?
*Casting a vote for Poilievre is like casting a spell. The same Liberal, Conservative, Liberal, Conservative, Liberal, Conservative spell that’s been going on forever. Lather, rinse, repeat.

If, instead, a vote is cast for candidates representing the PPC, Bernier will make certain that the old sickly spell be broken. How? When Poilievre gets elected, and he will, no matter what I say here, The People’s Party and all of the people that voted for the people of Canada-- hence, The People’s Party, will become a strong front for real change that will no longer be ignored.
The People’s Party of Canada can help Poilievre fight against the separatist Bloc Quebecois as they become a force of opposition in The House representing our Western Provinces. But only, if there are a sufficient number of people who get to the polls-- vote and vote honestly for the best man or woman in their local riding. Think locally. The person who you believe will do the right thing.
You will notice interesting metaphors in the juxtaposed photos: Trudeau, apparently in mourning, and Poilievre, smiling in unity with Truckers.
-A Canada being mourned.
-A Canada, moving on. Keep on Truckin’!
But where to? We must ask ourselves. Perhaps the answer will be in the third picture as you scroll along... singin’ a song...

July 6th 2021 Justin Trudeau was busy posing for photo-0ps looking mournful by unmarked graves at Cowessess First Nations in Saskatchewan.

A Poet might be inclined to see the three images as past, present and future.
Grieving what was lost, hope, for moving on, and the happiness of work and family demonstrated in Max’s eyes. Words aren’t enough. Mothers and Fathers know. Caretakers know. Good people everywhere know the value of values. And importantly, preserving our values.
Poilievre, a quick-witted keen individual, no doubt, with a bowlful of charisma, has issues. Well, we all have issues, don’t we? But we need to be mindful.
*He can’t make up his mind:
A bold heading reads: Who is the Real Poilievre? The growing conservative uncertainty over Poilievre’s stance on moral issues.
It certainly brings to attention that all that glitters is not always gold and it’s brought to our attention by non other than “The Most Irreverent Talk Show Host”, Andrew Lawton, of the True North broadcast team. In this article hosted by The Walrus site, (link below) his concerns enlighten us to the fact that Poilievre has wavered and been vague on a proverbial fence, shall we say.
Interestingly, though, Lawton, himself, has entered the political ring since he recently won the conservative nomination to run as candidate for Elgin-St. Thomas--London South. Lawton is genial, funny, smart and must certainly be irreverent as his Talk Show proclaimed. One can only wonder his stance on Poilievre when he writes:
Like most Conservative MPs, he voted against legalizing same-sex marriage in 2005 and then in favour of reopening the marriage debate in 2006, although he later changed his tune and called gay marriage a success.
-From The Walrus site the walrus.ca/who-is-the-real-pierre-poilievre/
So Lawton is picking up on the fact that Poilievre is flip-flopping.
*On Abortion For or Against- He seems to be just “Meh”. A little research proves this out.
To bring THE WORD into our discernment:
Revelation 3:15-16 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-- neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, I am rich,; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing. But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.
Please, dear Pierre, just say. One way, or the other. And stick with it. You don’t need to condemn, but don’t be vague. Better to lose on a point of conscience than... well, you know.
Lawton’s article adds:
Did Poilievre shift from being pro-life to pro-choice? Was he never pro-life in the first place? Is he not genuinely pro-choice now? Does he even care about the issue enough to have a position? These are difficult questions to answer as Poilievre has never spoken publicly about an evolution on this issue as he did about same-sex marriage. For how outspoken he is on many issues, he keeps his cards close to his chest on matters of morality.
Poilievre was raised Catholic and makes occasional references to God in his speeches. However, none of his friends and colleagues who spoke to me said that faith has, from their perspective, played a meaningful role in his adult life. One former aide recalls Poilievre regularly attending church for a time earlier in his career but says that he would later on turn up at churches only when he was campaigning or attending events. When Poilievre has discussed and debated faith and spirituality with friends, they say it’s in an abstract and philosophical manner.
This is also true of social issues. One of Poilievre’s friends in caucus bluntly tells me he just doesn’t know what Poilievre’s true beliefs are on the subject. This wasn’t because the two had never spoken about it but, rather, the colleague could never tell what was authentic and what was a persona when Poilievre was in debate mode. “I sometimes wonder if it’s just a game to him,” the member of Parliament says.
Yes, we can only wonder, but to be sure, an election, or something is coming. We must be ready to stand on guard for OUR values.
Old Canada is gone. Hopefully the Liberals and NDP will be gone. If the Conservatives can be honest as well as funny and if the PPC can reach opposition status, we can have hope. Maybe even laugh. I’d love to see that designer catalogue. Is it glossy? On real paper? Can you actually turn the pages and everything?! Shucks! They’re in the mail... and Canada Post’s back on strike again.
Sandra EL