The PPC Alternative

For most of this year I've been raising awareness to the pressing issues that will impact the future of our country. This, as I see it will be my job as a member of Parliament. Moreover, it is my duty as a Member of the ‘People’s Party Of Canada’ to contribute to and even start debates which offer policy solutions. What is the point of being in or even trying to be in politics, if not for that purpose?

I am in politics to defend ideas, which are mine and those of Canadian Citizens, because I actually care about the future of this country for my family and its citizens. I think it's important to recognize that we're in a world right now where discussions are shut down, where polarization is the norm.

Currently it seems there is a fear of others and their opinions; it has become so very pervasive. Unfortunately, this has provided currency for unscrupulous politicians, bureaucrats,and those with an agenda that they feel overrides the “God Given Rights” of others to live their lives as they see fit. This has struck uncertainty into the hearts and minds of Canadians; it has risen to such a level that people are consistently worried and often miserable due to their thinking in desperation about:

  • If they will be able to feed their children?

  • Will they have the money to pay their bills?

  • Should they need medical care will it be available and affordable?

  • Is it safe if they go out of their homes, even just to work, school or shopping?

It has become so bad that people are losing sleep, their mental and physical health is deteriorating. I know these things are true because I have spoken with many people within this the riding. I have seen it and heard it for myself. I have also had individuals ask me, what I think of M.A.I.D. or the fact that we do not even have any laws regarding abortion, about the rights of many people being trampled by the rights of some, about the police and justice system doing nothing to protect or actually uphold the laws we already have in place.

There is an insane number of immigrants who have been allowed into the country and Canadians are expected to welcome ‘AND PAY FOR’ even though so many of our own fellow citizens are living on the streets or in tents and vehicles. Indeed, a good number of immigrants are being housed in hotels.

My wife and I have tried in our way to reduce the level of apprehension to those we speak with, to lift hearts and anxieties and try to get people thinking more positively. But we as Canadians all have to do our part. As a country, we are in a terrible state. I have given much thought to this conundrum. The most obvious thing I have thought about and many others have said to me is to vote the government out. This may work initially as it has in the past, when we have been on this path to a lesser degree. But as with many diseases and corruption which afflicts humans, this is only a stop gap. We have seen this many times in our history, as Canadians and as humans.

First and foremost, we must commit to the rule of ‘LAW’ where all people are treated equally. The government (at least as it now sits) much as they would like to differ, cannot be allowed to make laws which give any preferential treatment to any segment of the population. ALL HAVE TO BE TREATED EQUALLY, ‘with the same rules and in the same way’. That is not happening now. THAT BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED FIRST.

Our ‘Laws, Rights and Responsibilities’ must be based on what our population wants; not by ‘elected or appointed individuals’ who believe they know better than the millions of people ‘whom they are supposed to be working for and represent’ think and certainly not by those traitorous individuals who have and possibly continue to work with ulterior motives for countries, organizations and people who do not even live here, or form part of our nation.

OUR LAWS MUST REPRESENT OUR PEOPLE, NOT THOSE FEW WHO HAVE BEEN ELECTED TO SERVE THE PEOPLE. We. who are living in Canada today, cannot be held hostage by those who think they know better, and whom history has already shown really do not seem to know CANADA OR ITS PEOPLE a fraction of what they think.

You are not dependent on when or where you were born, who your parents were, the colour of your skin or body parts you were born with. We are all individual thinking people (even those who do not care or want to admit it) and each one of us has to realize it or else humans will not be long on this planet. Rather than concentrating on the moment and going along with the current thing(s), we have to learn to live, work and get along with each other. Whether we like it or not.

For too long, Canadian politics and the government has been hijacked by groups, cartels, lobbies, international organizations, corporate and union interests. Those who are disconnected from ordinary citizens. Any thinking person can see it in the way they speak and the way they attract their supporters. Not by offering solutions that appeal to all Canadians, but by pandering to various groups and dividing Canadians into little tribes that can be bought with promises and privileges that are paid for by the taxpayers' of this country.

At this time, no one person or group speaks for all Canadians or even one of our provinces or urban and rural areas. The PPC (People’s Party of Canada) believes in speaking the truth about the real issues. We will not simply blame others for the vast number of problems we have. WE ALL MUST ACCEPT OUR OWN SHARE OF THE PROBLEMS.

All I’m asking for at this time is that we all talk with as many people as possible about those things that mean the most to you in a sane and rational manner. If you can reach a consensus with others we can work together towards a greater and greater consensus and create the country that we all want and deserve.

Everything is important, but without our common effort, WE WILL NOT ACHIEVE higher standards. We have history to prove that broken people = broken country. We should all be on a quest for a better future for Canada.

Together, I believe we we can do it. Do not be complacent. Let us seize this moment. Our potential is great. Let us combine our efforts and dedication to overcome all obstacles in our way.

David S. Watson