Political Landscape
6 min read

As a politically engaged nation, at least partially, Canada, during the last several federal elections has revealed some interesting changes. Let’s examine the voting totals and their corresponding percentages during these elections to help us to understand the shifting dynamics of Canadian politics; however, before we look at the numbers, it’s important to acknowledge the subject of election interference.
This, from Politics Watcher published Monday, September 18, 2023:
Recently, Canada’s spy agency informed former Canadian Conservative Party leader, Erin O’Toole that China campaigned to discredit him and suppress votes. This revelation underscores the importance of national security in Canada’s political landscape. Parties must address these threats and safeguard the integrity of our democratic process.
We now know, that to address this concern, Justin Trudeau announced the appointment of a “Special Rapporteur” to report on foreign interference. Unfortunately, this appointment of David Johnston to this position followed with knowledge that he was a long standing friend of the Trudeau family, therefore, a conflict of interest had been revealed. As a number of journalists scrambled to hold the Liberals to account, the news of this entanglement as well as Johnston’s connection with the Trudeau Foundation raised eyebrows as well as questions. Moving on from the point of election interference. Let’s delve into some of the elections prior to 2021 first.
One of the most crucial aspects of any election is voter turnout, as it reflects the level of engagement and interest of the population as a whole. It identifies the way “the population thinks” or “don’t think”. Their willingness to go along or not. To consider how they will construct their society, through their choice of candidates and the political reforms they feel necessary.
In the 2021 election, the voter turnout unfortunately only reached approximately 59.7% this is only slightly higher than the lowest voter turnout we have experienced in the last 75 years! That was 58.8% in 1958.
In 2021, the election results made it quite obvious that there was no clear winner. Instead we had a very obvious Liberal minority, which after a short time was propped up by Jagmeet Singh and the NDP, riding the ragged coattails of Justin Trudeau’s cliff-hanging suspicious victory.
Canada was left divided, and unknowingly we entered into the times of a subtle insidious shift whereby, the government appeared to have hold of the keys of some people’s hearts and minds.
This, can be interpreted as psychological operation (psyop), through the implementation of critical freedom blocking measures and the use of government mandates (under the guise of health protection) and legal enforcement. Some of which are:
*Laying-off or firing workers without pay who refused to take the unproven novel bio-shots.
*Refusing employment benefits to those who were fired, for refusing to take the shots.
*Withdrawing rights of personal sovereignty over one’s own body by forcing viral PCR and
rapid-antigen tests.
*Requiring many small businesses and churches to close, and or maintain strict compliance with
the amount of people who were allowed within.
*Forced isolation of families and individuals.
*Restricting travel and freedom of movement.
The above items clearly highlight:
Exactly how far Trudeau will go in order to RULE OVER; NOT FOR the people.
Our purpose here started out to showcase “the numbers” illuminating the conditions of the last few elections, but as mentioned in the beginning, there is more at play which has to do with election interference and our National Security.
To return to the fact that Trudeau enlisted family friends and those who were willing to follow him almost blindly, to act in positions of influence -- David Johnston as “Special Rapporteur” in the investigations and reporting of foreign interference, in his report, declined to advise for the activation of a public inquiry -- this alone should have set off multiple alarm bells. Johnston himself, has stated in the report:
(referring to Russia & China)
Both countries pursue interference differently. Russia is much more focused on destroying our democratic institutions. Whereas Chinese interference is much more long term, much more pervasive and much more sophisticated using disinformation and other manoeuvres to protect what China regards as special areas of protection.
It’s important to note that Johnston’s acknowledgement of the interference is clear. Then, however, we must ask, “Why doesn’t he recommend a public inquiry?”
Perhaps the answer is in the fact that we, as a democracy, do not want to put ourselves in the position of being on a “witch hunt” for, let’s say, “Chinese Infiltrators”, for example. This type of thinking could pose a hazard to innocent Chinese diaspora who are or may be targeted by the Chinese CCP government. As hard as it is to wrap our minds around the concept, and to be fair to Johnston, he had said:
“Hostile actors can exploit the legitimate political activities of diaspora communities, who are doing “nothing wrong” by organizing grassroots campaigns in favour or in opposition of particular candidates or political parties.”
Of course, in fairness to all Canadian citizens, diaspora or not, we also want to recognize the fact that the CCP, (Chinese Communist Party) are those that are readily involved in live organ harvesting; they are the same ones who spare no expense and will go so far as to perhaps threaten or manipulate through pay-offs, innocent Chinese citizens, their friends and family, whereby entire communities could be affected.
With that said, Johnston could have been put between a rock and a hard place. Trying to protect diaspora from being singled out, but also not to divulge delicate “intelligence” secrets.
*Note: David Johnston has served as Canada’s governor general from 2010 to 2017.
While these serious issues plague our great nation, Justin Trudeau’s politics revolve around tactics to divert attention away from the truth. He places priority for kitsch type theatre such as his kneeling on unmarked Indigenous graves, all the while holding a teddy bear in a pose of apparent sorrowful reflection, for the camera, of course. His real reflections manifest as chaos in the nation while diminishing the rights of parents and families.
The rainbow pride days, months, now even seasons for drag queens and LGBTQIA+, with their garish theatre blatantly centre stage. All of this subversion in businesses, institutions and all levels of government, for what is 2% or less than our population of Canada. Shocking!
Justin Trudeau has virtually no real sense. It’s so bad he’s called out by people like Kevin O’Leary, a Canadian Businessman, Investor, and Television Personality on shows like Dragon’s Den.
Mr. O’Leary stated during a Fox Business interview in June of 2023: “Trudeau is the worst prime minister ever put in power -- very successful politician, no executional skills. Hopefully we will thank him for his service within the next 18 months. It’s so important to Canada that he move on.” Mr. O’Leary went so far as to say that he wouldn’t let him manage a candy store.
Indeed, the fact that he was a drama teacher suggests he should be on some other stage, not the one of the world, where he is now a laughing stock, but it’s no laughing matter when his orchestrated photo ops prop him up, while those people without means, are pushed further down, into the dark bowels of society, where tent cities have become the norm, medical facilities without enough staff, down, down, to hopelessness, to overdoses, to (MAID) medical assistance in dying... It has become so bad, that uniformed security guards are often placed inside stores. Streets and transportation systems feel unsafe. Children’s story time at the library is lead by Drag Queens of dubious nature and the Men’s Washrooms in our military must be supplied with tampons and other feminine products.
And what about this fact / truth: Recently, with the passing of Bill C-18, Trudeau now wants to censor what we can say and what we hear. It appears, he wants to rule over the internet, and effectively the world’s communications. Which is suspiciously one of the main platforms of the WEF, the WHO, the UN and the European Parliament. This clearly will put him within the realm of a totalitarian dictator and our country verging on a communist type state.
In future articles we’ll put on our reading glasses and with a myopic scrutiny, look at the Canadian political party landscape for the next election based on their published platforms. What do they really stand for?