October 4th, 2024
Hello friends, near and far.
In the past few months we’ve seen three by-elections and in each one the Liberal Party of Canada lost, in a couple of cases getting pummelled quite incredibly. Like in Montreal one of the safest riding areas in Liberal history, where disgraced David Lametti the former Attorney General was and which also Paul Martin previously held. So many already have and continue to turn against Trudeau and the Liberals.
A new poll shows just how much former Liberal voters are actually turning against them... At this point it looks like nothing can save Justin Trudeau and his party and coalition of socialists. Evidently, according to the latest poll the BQ (Bloc Quebecois) and the NDP may even come out ahead of of the Liberals. To combat the problem Justin Trudeau thinks that having the media censor everything will help.
It's October 4th, and is a part of the Jewish holy day’s of “Rosh Hashanah” . Which began at sunset on Wednesday, October 2, and ends at sunset today. This holiday is meant as a celebration of the birth of the universe, and the day GOD decided to create Adam and Eve, it’s also celebrated as the Jewish New Year. This year "Rosh Hashanah" starts the year 5785 for the Jews. It was very early in the morning of the 7th of October 2023 (shortly after "Rosh Hashanah" began) when crazed Palestinian terrorists decided to attack, terrorize, murder, rape and take hostage hundreds of people during the celebrations in Israel. Such a disgusting event that it may yet escalate into something far worse.
That doesn’t even include the pro-Hamas and pro-Palestinian protests happening everywhere around the world for the last year. These 'pro-terror individuals' really have no idea of the pot they are stirring. This may also turn into something more terrifying right here in Canada as well as many other nations around the world.
Even the socialist Liberal party has been protested against because Justin Trudeau isn’t pro-Hamas enough. What’s happening here is quickly turning into shades of what we see happening in other countries.
I don’t know how others feel. but I really am tired of seeing the pro-Palestinian / Hamas protests that vilify everybody else but completely ignore the illegal acts which they continue to get away with due to the various police detachments and their political masters ignoring the blatant hate crimes being committed by the protesters. Protests in of themselves are not illegal but promoting hate, violence and terrorist organizations and their ideals, definitely is. The police should have done something immediately when it all started and we would not be having many of these problems today.
Most of what we see taking place is due to the socialist leaders around the world. Leaders like Trudeau, Macron, Starmer and Biden who have created these situations by not standing by ‘The Rule Of Law’ which they so profoundly preach about to the greater populations whenever people like myself and others talk or write about these things. This puts an very bad tone on everything happening. Don’t kid yourself into thinking it can’t happen here.
Many areas in Canada are not far from being turned into 'socialist enclaves', everyone needs to get out and vote, for the candidates that will push for “The Rule Of Law” to be followed, which is not the Liberals, the NDP or BQ and Greens.
More than nine years into the Liberals mandate and after almost two years of the coalition mandate and you can clearly see what has already taken place and where that is leading us. A General Election will be exactly what we need for people to actually express their dislike of the scandals and everything else that has taken place. One just has to look back in history to see that the longer a party is in power the more corrupt they become and in the dying days of their regimes the people punish them by using elections to push them out, we are getting close, but the depth of hatred isn’t quite there yet.
Trudeau lives in his own fantasy world. He uses everybody, including everyone in his own party to do his dirty work whenever possible because except for a few known faces, nobody knows who they are, even if you were to bump into them on the street. There are some cabinet ministers who put on a good show, but the number of people who actually make any decisions in Ottawa is very small, and most of those are not even MP’s and I believe many are not even Canadian. They are a part of the NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) like the WEF, the WHO and even the UN. People recognize this and that again is one of the reasons there is so much hatred for Trudeau and Singh.
All of Canada has heard the stated goals of the separatist Bloc Quebecois (BQ) in Quebec and they are tired of hearing of them. As a single province within Canada they have always received more than their fair share of everything. Each province within Canada should have equality in all manner of things. I believe, that no political party should not be allowed to run at the National level if they do not run candidates in every single province and territory within Canada. The mere notion of them only running in Quebec makes them regional and only out for themselves, as they have so aptly proven already.
The leaders of the Liberals, NDP, BQ and even the Green’s continually show their disdain for the freedom of Canadians very plainly. Whether we are talking of religious, racial, indigenous and even provincially, it is quite apparent for anyone who actually cares to watch and listen. Some of the worst comments come from Parliamentarians, who openly say things like (paraphrased) "We want so and so and we will not settle for less regardless of what others think".
Their goal(s) for Canada are quite apparent. Because even though they are on the inside of the system, they realize Parliament itself has lost much of it’s power due to the Party system which has evolved to the point where all the power has been absorbed by the Party Leaders, Ministers and the Prime Ministers Office (PMO). If regular MP’s want any chance of having real respect from Canadians, they need to stand up for their individual riding's and the people within them.
Trudeau is terrified by the change of tide that has taken place ever since the mandates and lock-downs, you can see it in his de-meaner, his voice and even in his eyes. Those against him, his true enemies have become many and even those who once stood by him have been changing their tune at a rate that he can see and is alarmed by.
All Trudeau really is, is a substitute drama teacher and not a good one at that, based on everything that has come out of the woodwork in the last nine years. He will be lucky to only get booted out of his position and party after the next election. People are lashing out at him for all the things he has done and all the things he is trying to do. He’s like a big Bull Moose in the woods and everybody is looking to take him down and it looks like they are going to be successful very soon.
The only strong thing on his side, still, is the bought and paid for mass media, and even they are beginning to turn on him. He’ll continue to use them as long as he can, why wouldn’t he, he’s providing almost half of all their pay-cheques with money that he’s taking from taxpayers (YOU & I), while taxpayers suffer through some of the worst times Canadians have ever seen.
He's basically telling journalists, I'm your boss, know your place, you'd be nothing if it weren't for me and the money I provide. The worst part is the majority of the media doesn’t say a word against him. He’s an absolutely atrocious PM. My personal belief is that he is an actual threat to every man, woman and child in this country, due to his socialist ideals, and narcissism.
Canadians are cluing into all these facts, there are really important decisions that each and every one of us needs to think about and make, about the kind of country we want to see and the life we want to live in. That is just about the only true statement, I can remember Trudeau ever saying.
How many Canadian tax dollars were given out in conflicts of interest by Liberal appointed board members at SDTC (Sustainable Development Technologies Canada), according to the Auditor General over $330 million and some say closer to $400 million with upwards of a 80 conflicts of interest. Where and to whom did that money go?
Everyone has to know by now this government never was right for Canada, and they also have to realize this government is at the end of their life. At this point liberals are just stuffing whatever they can make their own into their pockets as well as those of there friends and allies.
Do You think Trudeau will last until Oct. 2025? I don't. That having been said,
David S. Watson