
Memories like the corners of my mind, misty water coloured memories of the way we were. Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind, smiles we gave to one another, of the way we were. Can it be that it was all so simple then. Or has time re-written every line. If we had the chance to do it all again, would we? Could we?

Perhaps those lyrics ring a bell for you. Barbara Streisand, The Way We were, 1974.

Canada, is our country, yet Canada is no longer Canada. Certainly not the one I remember.

It seems now to be run more like a corporation rather than a country. I personally witnessed the veil being lifted in 2020 — they — the controllers had, as it were come out to play & in their desperation, used everything from Drag Queen Story Hours for young children to masks, injections, mandates and later even went as far as declaring the “Emergencies Act” against people voicing their opinions, setting-up bouncy castles and providing fellowship for others who felt the same. “Never Again” can we allow those sort of things to happen.

Our country needs help from each and every one of us. Some can and will be on the front lines, some will be sitting on the bench waiting for their chance to jump in. Others will be sitting in the stands cheering on the change and supporting in their own way.

In our Nation today, we have little means to protect our country's sovereignty. Trudeau has depleted the Army, Navy and Air Force, the staffing and recruitment numbers are at all time lows. No one wants to protect Canada because our Government treats Veterans like garbage. They would rather offer their Medically Assisted Death process or leave them homeless and hungry than help those requiring assistance.

The Americans or others with sufficient resources and gumption could easily come & defeat us; seize our entire country. Trudeau nor the Common Wealth countries could do anything about it. We have no real allies except for the USA and their new President-Elect. We don’t even have minimal personal self-defence capabilities due to the efforts by the Trudeau Socialists outlawing many of our sport and hunting rifles. They have wasted more than 67 million trying to seize legitimate owner’s guns, and so far not getting a single one.

Truth be told, the coming election in Canada may not be our last stand against Governments that simply do not care about what is right and what is wrong. Please, comprehend first and foremost the majority of the MP’s and certainly all the current parties in Ottawa, are generally progressive socialists, who would feel much better in their positions if all of our personal rights and freedoms were removed. They feel far more at ease when they are able to flip the definitions of what is good and what is bad and make us live as they dictate. For the better part of 50 years, many of them have been acting in concert towards this end. As soon as we all accept this simple truth the better off we all will be.

They oppose our ability to make choices for ourselves and our families. They are, right now, trying to rip away many of the personal rights and freedoms we still have left. They demand that we fall in line and do as they say, not as they do. Our country spent over a hundred years trying to instill rights and freedoms that were not dependent on a monarchy agreeing with us, with laws that would be created by and for the Canadian people, its citizens and those who wish to come to this country and live freely. Now, all that was; is not, and merely forms the memories of our elders and a some advancing in age.

We are all (indigenous included) the progeny of immigrants, our forebears families came here with hopes of working and creating a life that would be better for them and their families. We now wish that for our children and grandchildren.

Just as many who now emigrate here hope for. They as our forebears, are more than willing to work with us and assimilate some of OUR attitudes and our Rule of Law, and yet still maintain a small hold on their previous life. They realize that in order to fit in with a different society they need to adapt, at least somewhat to a new way of life. They knew this would be expected and still many arrived. The same expectation would be present if any of us were to emigrate to their former nations, except, it would likely be a “requirement” in their laws. Ours is based on goodwill.

Unfortunately for all of the people of Canada we have been hood-winked and lied to by Trudeau and all the Progressive Socialists in Government. Way back in 2012/13 when the Liberals were in total disarray, Trudeau and his handlers realized that times were changing, technology was changing and by adopting the mesmerizing abilities of social media they would be able to attract all of the most vulnerable people to their side with empty promises and hollow thoughts. They would then spend the next five years filling the emptiness they created with progressive socialistic thoughts, while pandering and glad-handing for votes, demanding acceptance of their numerous scandals, and waste of our tax dollars.

The gradual advancement of their policies took off when the man-made virus presented an opportunity (The Great Reset). It had been pushed for many years by the alphabet organizations such as the WHO, WEF and many very wealthy individuals. This reset was meant to advance a complete top-down societal change. A group of societies that would be completely controlled by those groups and the governments which they controlled. The “Great Reset” is still being actively pursued around the world. Liberal-NDP-BQ-CPC hierarchies are just some of the groups who are advancing it from within our society in Canada.

However, they are actively concealing facts, redacting evidence to the contrary and obfuscating their words so that they never really say anything except behind closed doors. Much of this can be seen, simply by watching and listening, and more is available with some active research. Regardless of the evasive words and promises that are made, they are all in it for the same reasons "CONTROL, POWER and MONEY".

Those organizations and individuals know that membership by the actual governing parties will be discovered so they have attracted and convinced individuals from the other parties to also be part of their plans. The different governing parties simply become different versions of the same plan; A, B, C, D; you can check the parliamentary website (while we are still able to) to see exactly how all of them have voted on every single piece of legislation ever put forward.

The advancement of technology has allowed for the easy manipulation and control of: finance, housing, labour; necessities like food & water, even the weather is being manipulated. Easy as those items are to control, people are different and more difficult, since people by nature strive for connections with others. They will speak & meet together in all manner of places and events. So, numerous alternative thoughts (ideologies) have been introduced to promote and provoke divisiveness to keep people apart. Control is their goal and deception is their way.

That is the cause of the massive increase in issues among groups of people, which for most of my life was minimal by comparison. Canadians usually did not care what was taking place as long as it was legal and it did not infringe on their way of life, this is what made us so accepting of everything, other peoples liked that and wished to visit and move here.

Canada’s best chance to combat the degradation & desecration is to speak with others, especially to those who may be estranged. Do not lay blame & do not force beliefs or views. Simply question, listen & respond. Additionally, new individuals with clear and decisive attitudes about the repairs required, like the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) who have not been party to these changes and problems from the beginning, WILL HELP.

We are at a point of complete inflection in Canada and require change. If we continue down this path it WILL BE a path of destruction.

David Watson