I Believe
The Government of Canada as well as this country we call home is at this time a complete mess.
Rife with polarizing and divisive legislation, policies and attitudes. Expenditures which cannot be sustained, and little to no thought of the actual people who have to live with and depend on the government. Very few MP's sound or act like they actually think of their constituents except at election time.
I often watch parliamentry and government proceedings and I am amazed that even fewer sound as if they actually care what people think of them, or even the policies and legislation they are putting in place. The MP's currently in our government seem to think they can do anything THEY want and that it has no real consequences for them or anyone else who actually lives in the reality of our country today.
Today, as you are well aware many everyday people are struggling to maintain a life, and all of them have definite beliefs of what is right and proper. THEIR LIVES, AFTER ALL DEPEND ON WHAT THE GOVERNMENT DOES, yet the government does not seem to understand this important point.
Very few of the current citizentry of Canada have any responsiblility for enabling any of the the crap that currently this government is responsible to correct / repair, forget about enabling new or additional crap, which no-one wants. This government as well as their past & current coalition cohorts has proven they no idea how to do this.
I have created a list of things that I believe will help to correct much of the ills that are currently in place.
Below is some of my list which I Believe MIGHT fix some things, especially those things which are in such bad shape that if we do nothing they will compound and create situations which will never be fixed.
If a new government can do even part of what I suggest, this and future generations of CANADA will be in a much better position.
I BELIEVE, any future government needs to address and deal with these areas as a starting point:
Balance the Budget right away.
Reduce all government administration costs by 10% per year with a final objective of a 50% reduction.
Remove or severely restrict the role of the Governor General and their associated spending.
Reduce government waste by completely removing programs which do not create and encourage Investment and Productivity Growth or Security for Canadians.
Drasticaly amend rules on government use of consultants and contracting out.
Create Elected official term limits of a maximum of 3 terms.
Immediately increase military spending to NATO recommended 2% level.
Reduce immigration levels far below the current immigration levels being used.
Create a skilled worker immigration entry within those levels for fast-tracking skilled workers in demand.
All immigrants and refugees will be required to learn one of the official languages at a conversational level and pass a sufficiency test before being granted citizenship.
Amend the "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" via referendum,for the following purposes.
To further define and entrench Canadians rights and freedoms from censorship and discrimination.
Allow victims of violent crime to 'defend themselves with equal and or suitable force'.
Create a 'Right', for citizens to own & use specified classes of firearms for hunting, sport, & personal protection.
Add specific definitions for when life begins and when life ends.
Limit "real property" (land) ownership; voting rights to citizens of Canada.
Create or amend laws to protect women and children in abusive relationships.
Increase penalties for illegal use and importation of all firearms.
Amend or create laws surrounding public nudity, and the definition of pornographic materials.
Increase inter-provincial fairness, by canceling equalization payments and remove all inter-provincial trade barriers.
Allow provinces to decide among themselves their specific relationships with other provinces.
Remove all marketing boards and other industry supports.
Make products and resources more affordable by removing waste, and unnecessary taxes and charges.
Remove all health care barriers, in and between provinces.
Provide provinces 'incentives to reduce heath care administration costs’.
Take advantage of inter-provincial movement of practitioners.
Review and amend M.A.I.D (medical assistance in dying) so that only terminally ill patients can use it.
Hold open public sessions to ascertain if a specific policy on abortion should be put in place.
Canadian identity & foreign policy to be based on & focused on "Security & Prosperity of Canada & Canadians First".
Allow for the preservation of and stand up for Traditional Canadian values, history and culture.
End official multiculturalism.
David S. Watson
July 1, 2024