I am Not...

I am not A Conservative. Although I am conservative.

I am a PPC candidate, WHY?

Because I believe in Canada and in what the PPC stands for:

Common Sense Policies for All Canadians,

Fairness for All those living in Canada,

Responsibility for our Actions,

Respect for All Points of View.

As an individual candidate who is asking for your support and vote, I also believe in:

Freedoms being Entrenched in the Charter for all Citizens.

A Smaller Less Intrusive Government in Canada.

Laws That Apply Equally To Everyone in Canada.

All of those the things are conservative! ANYONE who says different is mistaken.

So what is a conservative and what does being conservative mean?

Mistakenly I had always assumed that everyone knew what a conservative was or is. I now realize that this is not necessarily true since there is no actual reason why they should unless they are conservative.

Many people, possibly most, are generally fluid in their thoughts and attitudes. They agree with many things and disagree with many others, and while these things can change over time, even if our basic personality doesn't.

My purpose here is to add some clarity for you, on why I should get your vote, instead of someone else. I know that many of you are small c conservatives, like myself.

Big C Conservative vs small c conservative. The word itself may be used as an adjective or a noun.

Conservative the noun, or big C Conservatism, refers to the actual Conservative Party, or a member the Conservative Party, any person who goes along with the Conservative Party ideals.

Whereas conservative the adjective, or small c conservatism, refers to a general opposition or resistance to unneeded or UN-required change. With a preference for things the way they are or were. To put it another way; This is the tricky bit.

Just because a person is small c conservative doesn't mean they can't be part of the Conservative Party of Canada. Conversly just because a person is a big C Conservative doesn't mean they can't also be be a small c conservative.

The Conservative Party of Canada has a long history within Canada, going back to the 1850's were they originally started as the 'Upper Canada Tories; over the years they joined or melded with other parties like the Liberal-Conservative Party, the Conservative Party, the Progressive Conservative Party' they even joined with The Reform Party of Canada not that long ago. They are sometimes called the "Tories", in reference to the original party.

The Conservative Party of Canada HAS, and is still seen by many as an Eastern establishment party that has ignored the needs of Western Canada.

Westerners of many political convictions or persuasions (including small "c" conservatives) saw the party as having too many close ties with the business elite of Ontario and Quebec, which originally caused the Western alienation.

This alienation is actually still quite rampant, but now includes the current CPC as well as the Liberals, NDP and even the BQ by some.

The alienation from Westerners can be heard often, especially when 'A Federal Election Winner' is already decided before many voters in the West have voted or even finished there supper, let alone the polls being closed.

Also by the extremely lopsided representation in both the House of Commons our MP's and the Senate. As equal members of Canada the Western provinces are justified to want equal representation in our Parliament. Especially when we are expected to contribute as much or in some instances MORE than our fair share towards the growth and cost of running this country. Specifically through what are called 'Equalization Transfers or Payments'. Which essentially means the West pays the lions share of the those payments and has for some time.

Add to that, even the smaller and less populated Atlantic Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have a greater number of Senators within the senate.

Both the Conservative and Liberal Parties have been a major part of the problem in Canada for a long time, due to there basic refusal to treat all provinces equal in all ways.

Also due to the fact that Conservatives have been the more numerous and arguably more influential governmental party within Canada since confederation, and will quite possibly be into the future. For this reason they must endeavour to equaize the scales.

Should they gain a majority government, they will REQUIRE A PARTY that can stand up to them and fight for this balancing of power, I am confident that can and will to be the PPC.

Without it Canada will not change for the better, even if the attrocious legislation which the Socialist Liberals have created is repealled.

So big C Conservatism, is a political philosophy, not to be confused with small c conservatism, which is a state of mind.

Clear as mud? We have lot's of that in BC' North.

David S. Watson

Number of Senator's in each province.

Number of MP's in each province.