Hamster On A Wheel - 3 Hours
One day there was a hamster who ran his hardest on a wheel, but he never went anywhere. He didn’t even have a name. All he had was a number the government had issued him. HL-327-929.
“Stop!”, cried his hopeful new friend, Jumper. “Look at me!” HL-327-929 was so surprised that someone had called to him that he actually stopped on his wheel so fast that it flung him around a few times and he landed on his back inside the wheel and could see the sky above him with Jumper coming into focus.
Jumper was waving from a tree branch where she comfortably sat admiring the scenery. “My name’s Jumper. You should come on up here and see this view for yourself!” “How’d you get up there?” HL-327-929 tried to shout, but he was quite breathless. “I jumped up to the first branch and climbed up from there.” “Where?” At this point HL-327-929 realized that low and behold, right there beside him was a tree. It was there all along. But he’d been so busy running, he’d never even noticed. It didn’t take long before HL-327-929 had climbed up to join Jumper.
They witnessed mountains and rivers and fluffy white clouds and before long, they were chatting and laughing and Jumper said, “You know what, Loopy, we should head up over that ridge over there and explore.” “What?” asked HL-327-929. “I said we should head up over that ridge and explore.” “No, I mean, what did you call me?” “Oh,” Jumper said thoughtfully. “Loopy. I called you Loopy because of all the loops you were making down there on that wheel. “I got a name! I’ve got an actual name!”
And so it was. Jumper and Loopy with his new found name, headed out from the tree and towards the ridge. They were off to explore and Loopy never even missed the wheel. Although he did get a message on his cell regarding HL-327-929, but he swiftly deleted it and laughed so hard that the earth shook. It shook so hard that far away from him, the earth cracked right beneath where the wheel stood motionless, but not for long. As the deep fissure emerged, the wheel began to fall. And as it did, it spun. Without the help of Loopy.
Down, down down it went. Gone. Gone. Gone.
*It would be nice if we could all be freed from “HL-ism”, be a name and not a number. Why in tarnation can’t we get off that wheel and get a hold of a real person when we discover that the whole kit and ka-boodle has went ka-bosh and our bank accounts are frozen or banks are just down or something else. Who knows?!
Everyone is asking the same thing: What’s going on?! You need to find out. If you didn’t know that over 100 churches have been burned down in the last few years; if you didn’t know that Canada’s national security has been compromised by CCP and Indian infiltrators; if you didn’t know about the recent Bill C-63:
The Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new law called the Online Harms Bill C-63, which will give police the power to retroactively search the Internet for ‘hate speech’ violations and arrest offenders, even if the offence occurred before the law existed. This new bill is aimed at safeguarding the masses from so-called “hate speech.”
If you don’t know the long and ever growing list of dirty disgusting authoritarian measures the Trudeau/Sing regime have and are currently implementing whilst claiming it’s for your safety, much like the old mantra; safe & effective was... If you don’t know much of what’s really going on is real, it’s not your fault.
You’re busy. You’ve got a life and problems like everyone else. And that’s what they, meaning, the rich parasites and alphabet organizations want. They want you working so hard just to survive; in any free time they want you to be distracted by perhaps the odd bit of sports or a popular show. They don’t want you thinking, or talking to others. They don’t want your children to learn how to think; THEY want to teach your children 'what and even how to think'. They have actively promoted hard drug decriminalization because they don’t really care about people’s well-being. Not physically. Not emotionally. Not spiritually.
Everyone needs to stop. Look. And actually listen and pay attention to what is going on.
With a concerted effort, everyone who reads this should be able to see clearly that a fall of epic proportion is beginning to loom large in our path; not just in Canada. It’s happening around the world. In truth, “the fall” began decades ago, but “the fallout” is what we’re truly seeing up close and in our faces as personal freedoms decline and a dark dystopian unrecognizable world emerges.
Can we turn that darkness around? I think we can, but it starts with our children -- the up and comings. The new generations.
For that turn-around to happen, please join with others and take the time to consider: 'Three Hours, a window of time, a window of opportunity'.
Three Hours Recipe:
One heaping portion of 3 Hours
One Tablespoon direction to point towards. (Action/Outcome)
2 Tablespoons determination
4 Tablespoons practise
In an extra large bowl:
Take the one heaping portion of 3 hours and sprinkle on top 1 Tbsp. clear direction of action.
Stir in 2 Tbsp. of clarified determination. (Homemade is best - that means no rushing in, but can substitute Instant - Determination if needed. Can be found in brands like: U-CAN or WOO-HOO in powdered form). Let sit at room temp. for five minutes. Mix in 4 Tbsp practise. Cover with a towel of Quiet Focus. Leave on counter undisturbed by noise or distractions for at least half a day before returning. Repeat as needed to produce glowing achievements in your happy group.
Any three hours will do, really. For instance some adults like this time window:
From 8 to 11 am when the day is quite young. When people can set intentions-- hopefully, good intentions, there is a space for jumping, like Jumper, and for looper when he left his confines in the place of wheels and climbed up the Tree of Hope. But he would not leave entirely-- not quite yet. He would not leave by himself, alone. Not without his friend Jumper.
The time-space between 8 and 11 am can be a time when children especially are at their best for learning. This could even be a magic time if nothing interrupts their pursuits. Nothing so arcane as bells ringing every thirty minutes or so.
How long is Three Hours? It’s longer sometimes and sometimes not. What on earth does that mean? You might ask. Well, try sitting in silence for three hours. Then turn on your phone. Notice anything? Bells? Every thirty minutes or less? See what I mean?
*** Toodles. Must stroll, somewhere. Slowly.
Sandra EL