The atrocious coalition of the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party (NDP) under the leadership of Justin Trudeau has been and continues to be a topic of controversy and chagrin for many Canadians. Life has become so untenable for some, that their choice was to leave. Such as the case for David Freheit, a former lawyer and political candidate for the People’s Party of Canada.
Going under the Pseudonym, Viva Frei, David had worked his way into the Youtube realm, growing his subscriber base, but ultimately, when Canada started going down the tube, it didn’t take much to send him packing. On Youtube, in a video interview by Alison Morrow, entitled: “Why I Fled for Florida”, the personality of Viva Frei shines buoyant as he explains his trip down south with his wife and two children in a cramped vehicle along with two dogs, one blind, and one paralyzed. Although Viva jokes about the garbage building in the back of the car, you know, wrappers and all that. He speaks of it as being a journey in a light hearted way; yet there’s definitely dark undertones for Canadians who understand that there’s a side to this that makes one say, “Why give up? There were those who fought to the death for our freedoms and now some of us just throw our hands in the air and leave?” But Viva, as a father, makes one point very clear.
What did it? What made him make the big decision to leave? He says it was one thing that the government had crossed over that was his red line in the sand. Even though the gun control laws and restrictions were getting worse, even though Bill C-11 and trying to censor and rule over Youtube content creator’s was really bad, he had said that if they pass Bill 15 in Quebec, that’s it! Viva breaks down Bill 15 as this: An amendment to the youth protection act that eliminates parental primacy-- supremacy. This is the overriding principle of interpreting The Youth Protection Act.
On that, and the whole note, a long death knell note, ringing a solemn dissonant clang: Just think for a moment. How truly unfathomable to witness the destruction of freedoms by those who call themselves Liberals and Democrats, going so far as to freeze the bank accounts of Truckers and those others joining the Freedom Protests against forced medical injections.
If that weren’t enough: How could it be that Bill 15 steps on our rights further, where State rules supreme, not “the family as a unit of loved ones” to be protected, or indeed parents as “primary to the care of that unit”; rather, impersonal government is to be viewed with a higher, sovereign right, over parents and family.
Viva Frei made a hard decision, but when you see that now, even more disgusting legislation is passing, you see how dire it is.
One example is BC’s recent decision to allow “safe” Fentynll to be freely given to minors. Who cares what parents have to say about that, “EH”? The True North Strong & Free has become a nation of demoralized individuals.
Many within the Liberal/NDP purchased mass media propaganda wing have said that you can’t lay blame on the government for everything that is wrong. The above examples including Bill 15 in Quebec, Bill C-11 with its road to censorship, ruling over content creators stripping away rights of Canadians to chose what they watch, Canadian, or otherwise-- the loss of life through death or disability due to injections-- the whole thing is too much. We, as Canadians now exist under the claws of a regime that is using freedom fighters like Tamara Lich and Pastors who feed the homeless such as Artur Pawlowski as “examples”, imprisoning them for crimes of mischief. While real murderers and sexual predators are released on bail.
This is Canada today.
The Economy
One of the key areas where the Liberal/NDP coalition has faced criticism is the economy.
Herbert Grubel, emeritis professor of economics, a senior professor at Simon Fraser University, a senior fellow at the Fraser Institute writes in The Financial Post, published July 18, 2023:
The one big growth industry of the Trudeau years has been bureaucracy.
According to The Canadian Taxpayers Federation:
Since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau came to power in 2015, the feds have added more than 98,000 new bureaucrats onto the government payroll. That trend shows no signs of slowing down, with 21,290 extra staff added last year. “Was there a bureaucrat shortage in Ottawa before Trudeau took over?” Franco Terrazzano, Federal Director of CTF, said. “Canadians need a more efficient government not a bloated government full of highly paid bureaucrats.”
The vastly increased government spending and taxation have burdened businesses and individuals alike and have led to economic stagnation. The slow growth and job creation are reflected in this headline from The National Post:
Canada added just 100 jobs in December.
*That, calls one to do a double take. All of Canada? Really?
Further down it says,
Statistics Canada said Friday in its monthly labour force survey that the economy added a total of 100 jobs in the final month of 2023.
(We Canadians in The Peanut Gallery would like to add here: And everybody shouted hurrah! But that wouldn’t downplay the facts and no matter if we’d throw in a few happy emoji’s and a “He shoots he scores!”, the truth is the old year of 2023 went out sputtering and without gas to fill up its tank, it barely made it over into January with hope or resolutions ta boot.
The NP also shares this nugget of the “actual” decline:
The result came as the number of full-time jobs fell by 23,500 in December, offset by a gain of 23,600 part-time jobs.
So again, we Canadians in The Peanut Gallery have to scratch our collective noodles and say, hey, wait: “We’re actually DOWN 23,500 full-time jobs in December? But we’re supposed to think it’s ok because we gained a measly 100 PART TIME jobs? In the whole of Canada? Are we even to believe that exactly 23,500 full-time jobs mysteriously turned into half-time positions plus add on 100 more half-times for good measure just to be cool? It just sounds like they’re playing with numbers.
Whether its cold numbers of so-called jobs that don’t even pay a living wage or cold numbers of make-work projects disguised as jobs by bureaucratic heaps of bull-- ok bull-oney, to be nice, the fact is they are playing with numbers, anyhow. But deeper to the truth: They’re playing with lives. Real, human, blood, sweat and tears. And that, is the scary part. Whoever they are that are the gatekeepers, inhibiting resource development with the implementation of stricter regulations and, for instance, the rejection of major pipeline projects, they are not truly accountable. They seem to live in their own Rich Man From Richmond world as Oliver Anthony sung it so well, decrying the oppressive and cruel natures of some of the world’s parasitic so-called elite.
Immigration and Border Security
The Liberal/NDP coalition’s approach to immigration and border security has also been a point of contention. Critics argue that the government’s policies have been too lenient, leading to an influx of irregular border crossings, straining the country’s immigration system.
Additionally, concerns have been raised about the coalition’s ability to effectively vet and screen individuals entering the country. The safety and security of Canadians should be a top priority and some argue that the coalition’s policies have compromised the integrity of our national security systems, what little we have, since even our military is having to pay for their own expenses such as gear and in some old buildings, structures that were never maintained properly, are now often declared dangerous due to mold and rat infestations etc... The military is a whole other story, but we’ve recently learned that we have provided 3 (say that again) 3 support personal to the USA, to help deal with the Houthie threats in the Red Sea. We wonder if they are consultants. Have you heard about that one? Another story. Another time.
Healthcare and Education
Considering the wait times for basic care, emergency care and surgeries, we can see that the Liberal/NDP coalition is most notable for its desire to give some people what they feel is their only last resort: death.
Whether by normalizing needles and open drug use on the streets or manipulating the weak in their time of great suffering to “give in” and say yes to Medical Assistance in Dying: MAID as it’s referred to is such a convenient sounding word/acronym combo it makes you want to ask, “Would you like fries with that?” Such policies reduce the true worth of any human being, and very life itself. MAID shouldn’t be something that’s promoted. It should only be a last resort. Unfortunately, things are getting so bad for Canadians, it may feel, for some like a resort. Not like Trudeau’s Jamaican vacation at taxpayers expense, of course. But in Trudeau’s Canada, we’ve come to expect death and decay as his Modus Operandi.
Justice System and Bail Reform
The numerous issues with bail reform in the last number of years have left even the smallest of communities wondering whether or not they are safe. Prisons and their holding facilities have become revolving doors. As criminals are arrested and then released, Canadians fear for their lives. Transit systems, parks, even their own homes have become targets in a “business as usual” kind of way for the law breakers who know that they live in a Canada where it seems, crime does pay. Instead of locking up hard core criminals, they are sometimes quickly released only for the public to learn that next day, another person has been murdered from the same one they just released, yet again.
A government full of promises that doesn’t deliver on them is like that hot air balloon disappearing into Neverland, never to be seen again. Unfortunately, it’s taken too long for them to disappear. Since 2015, they’ve been “apparently” addressing the issues of swarmings and generalized excess violence, but things have only gotten worse.
The alphabet groups (take me to your leader - who are they anyway?) have taken over streets, schools, malls, you name it, they appear to be the 99%, but that’s only in CBC world. In truth, when you trudge around anywhere, you see the typical working class heroes. They might wear jeans and flannel shirts; they probably don’t drink rainbows and wear white satin ‘round their lilly necks while squeaking about climate change when they just coloured their hair purple and don’t realize that the truck driver that (used up fuel) had in fact drove the truck from Timbuk-- to Too to get the hair dye to Activist Shmactivist and Mr. Truck Driver is still wondering what happened when the frozen bank account fiasco occurred.
Indeed, he’s still wondering how Tamara Lich is making out, while Canadian police serve coffee to Palestinian protesters. All the while reflecting on a bit of history, where Don Cherry of Hockey Night in Canada became demonized, Canadian monuments had been toppled, and the history of CBC’s Fake History of Fake Unmarked Graves made headlines.
How can anyone believe in a Justice System from a Country whose leader consistently lies? While he promotes critical race theory, his true colours show-- and they’re not of typical human genetic types. No, these are colours of his character, they’re just plain dramatic, if not sinister.
When he proclaimed the overused words like a moronic robot: Two weeks to flatten the curve & Safe & Effective, he was just a mimic for something going around that was worse than any virus-- fear, itself. With his lead, people gave up the sovereignty over their own bodies, trust in their governments and institutions.
WHY? Probably because none of us have ever experienced a PM that can spout words that actually mean less than the effort it takes to say them, when our current PM says things, I really don’t believe him at all, and I’m pretty sure few do, except for him, OH and of course the NDP.
All of the PM’s that I have experienced were for the most part forthright and honest. If they said “It’s Safe and Effective” It was.
Then there’s the overall fallout of a crumbling justice system and military that installs tampons and feminine products in its men’s washrooms-- well, what can be said about that. Maybe the growing silence will be loud enough to inspire change.
Governing NGO’s, Defending Canada
In addition to everything else that’s wrong in Canada, the UN-holy coalition seems to have aligned itself with non-elected NWO’s (Non Governmental Organizations) like the WEF, WHO, UN and alphabet ideologies like SOGI, DEI and CRT to try and create new levels of authority and control over Canadian Citizens in situations (whether real, imagined or manufactured) by these entities, and thus: give over legislative powers in the event of (for example) “Climate Emergencies”. In such case/cases, Canada’s sovereignty would be gone.
If we were to attempt to do a full “medical work-up” on the health and well-being of the nation of Canada, we might do well to read an article hosted on Pubmed where you can access it for free, here:
However, since we know time can be in short supply, like everything else these days. :)
We’ll break it down.
Entitled: Health, Hope, and Harmony: A systematic Review of the Determinants of Happiness across Cultures and Countries
*Sunitha Singh, Sowmya Kshtriya, Reimara Valk
It opens with:
The aim of this study was to review the literature on what constitutes happiness across cultures and countries to advance scholarly knowledge on the happiness construct.
And concludes with:
This systematic review investigated the happiness construct to arrive at a universally applicable conceptualization of the determinants of happiness across 44 cultures and 100 countries in the past 90 years, this systematic review uncovered that happiness is constituted by multiple determinants that can be placed into three main categories: ‘Health’, ‘Hope’, and ‘Harmony’.
The happiness determinants are one’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being (Health), having a purposeful holistic encompassing work-life balance, nurturing social relationships, caring for self and others (Hope), and being in harmony with one’s culture, traditions, community, and the environment moderated by economic, social, cultural, and environmental conditions that impact individual and societal happiness (Harmony).
With the above in mind, contrast it with Trudeau’s record:
*A systemic war on society, using divisive tactics: vaxed vs unvaxed, children vs parents
*Loose Immigration, whereby his only goal is to reap votes from newcomers
*LGBT Cult Promotion, Attack on Families & Religions
*The promotion of Death as an alternative to Healthcare, MAID & Quick Fix Abortions
*Tyrannical & Narcissistic style leadership
*Soul of Canada delivered into the hands of globalist organizations
*Evil mandates of forced injections causing massive fallout in society, death & disability
*Censorship as another tool of control besides arresting independent journalists
*Dismissive to Freedom Protests, enacted Emergency Act, unprecedented in “no war”
The amount of wreckage that this Prime Minister has caused is undeniable. He seems to like to inflame people and what’s worse is in his Canada, Churches are literally being burned to the ground or if lucky, only vandalized. In a Wall Street Journal Opinion piece, a woman is shown standing in front of Grace Presbyterian Church in Calgary, she appears to be entering upon the door that has been smeared with something red looking like blood. This, written by Paul Tuns, July 29, 2021 is a disturbing image, but worse is the truth under the title of the article:
The Burning of Canada’s Churches
Dozen’s have gone up in flames, and the PrimeMinister’s responseis tepid.
Trudeau’s leadership has produced a nation that can be diagnosed as sick with the terminal illness of “Lack-Of”: Lack-Of Love, Optimism, Courage, Sense of Freedom, Proactivity, Security, Health, Openness, Altruism, Perspective, Humour & Laughter and Purpose.
Have YOU had enough yet?
If so, put your support behind the PPC we’ll bring all this nonsense to an end!

Enough Already
Justin Trudeau and his Liberal/NDP Coalition need to be removed from office.
1/22/202411 min read